You, Me and Hum

“A strong relationship requires two people who choose to embrace each other even on those days they struggle to like each other”
– Anisha Pandya

All of us at some point or the other, feel blocked/troubled in our most significant relationships viz. spouse, parent, friend, colleague, team leader and many others. Misunderstandings and conflicts can be very draining. One keeps on wondering how to keep peace, love and respect intact in relationships.

This program provides a platform for you to:

  1. Develop a deeper awareness and acceptance of self and others.
  2. Discover communication pathways for increased fulfillment in your relationships.
  3. Manage different aspects of behavior such as asserting oneself and shifting from reacting to responding.
  4. Understand how and why does drama enter into close relationships. Identifying when you are in drama and also learning how to exit from such situations.
  5. Identify pseudo-intimacy and learn different ways of building real intimacy in significant relationships.